I would wager that all of you are ready for winter to be over as much as I am. Our weather is such a tease, rain one day, storm the next followed by one day of sunshine! That would give anyone Spring fever right?
I want to thank all of you for supporting me this year as your president. Deb Towell did such a wonderful job as did all the people before me that I have some mighty big shoes to fill. As we look forward to even more changes next year we have to remember that one quality that sets Cancer Registrars apart is our adaptability! Together we will learn, implement and succeed!
Speaking of learning, Connie Winkler and Carol Hammond and the education committee are already planning a great Fall Conference for us this year. Sky Lakes has hosted the conference before and I can tell you they do a great job!
If anyone has a subject that you would like to see discussed please let a member of the education committee know.
Just in case you didn’t get the message, the winner of the education raffle for this year is Martha Curl.