OCRA Membership

Active Member: Certified Cancer Registrars or persons whose primary occupation is involved with any or all facets of cancer registry work. (i.e., abstractors, follow-up staff, contractors). Active members include registrars working in a hospital-based registry or the state central cancer registry. Backgrounds include Registered Health Information Technicians (RHIT), Certified Tumor Registrars (CTR), nurses and other allied health professionals.

Student Membership: Shall be persons who do not meet the requirements for an Active membership and are enrolled in an allied health care curriculum. A Student Member shall be eligible for this classification of membership for no more than one consecutive two-year period. A Student Member shall be entitled to serve on committees but shall not vote, hold office or chair a committee.

Dues are payable starting November 1 for next year's membership.  Payments prior to that date will apply to the current year.

NEW Active Member Application or Student Member

Fill out the membership form and make payment below:

NEW Active and Student Membership Form - Click Here to fill out
NEW Member Pay Here - OCRA 2025 Membership dues ($45 plus $1 card processing fee)

Download the OCRA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM to print and mail