The President’s Message
Greetings, I hope this finds everybody
well and knee-deep in summer fun. I still
cannot believe how quickly time passes.
Spring is already behind us, NCRA has
come and gone, and there is no doubt in
my mind that each of you have had a
calendar already filled with summer
Many Metriq users had a rocky April and
May with the outage that lasted 7 weeks.
For Providence Oregon that constitutes
about 1750 cases that did not get
completed during that time frame. But just
like the 2018 changes, the 2020 covid
fields and the 2021 changes, we will
persevere as usual. Rest assured, there
will always be a surplus of work to do.
The Executive Committee is still meeting
on even months. It is business as usual
going over financial reports and individual
committee updates. Please continue to
consider volunteering in some capacity.
The Nominating Committee will be gearing
up soon to recruit next term positions. As
a reminder, running for President is a 3-
year commitment with the first year as
President-Elect, the second as acting
President, and the third year as PastPresident. I know it seems like a lot, but it
really is manageable and not the busiest
of positions. Treasurer and Secretary
positions are a 2-year term occurring in
opposite elections years. Personally, I
think the Treasurer and Secretary
positions require most of the work on
the Executive Committee. They both do
require good organizational skills, but
all CTR’s must be organized as it is so
you’ve got the skills already. Please
think about it.
The Executive Committee is still going
over the specifics regarding the
proposed one-day workshop which is
tentatively set for November 4th. More
to come.
OCRA participated in the NCRA State
Basket Raffle with a $250.00 Visa Gift
Card who was won by Mary Jo
Mahoney from Louisville,
Kentucky. The State Basket Raffle was
a big hit again with 29 participating
entities and over $15,000.00 in ticket
sales. Our own Martha Curl won the
Illinois State Basket. Congratulations!
Until next time. Be safe and enjoy all of
life’s treasures. Happy summer.
Shelley Lindsey, CTR, 2021 OCRA