Brief job descriptions:
Treasurer (2-year term)
- Attend Executive Committee meetings as Treasurer and Finance Committee representative. Send out balance sheet of previous month to EC members before meeting. Present treasurer’s report at meetings. Executive Committee meetings normally held every other month by video conference
- Attend OCRA’s annual business meeting (normally at the workshop). Give report of bank balances, yearly budget and any financial news at the business meeting
- Serve as liaison to Financial Committee
- Manage and maintain PayPal account for online transactions. Transfer PayPal balance monthly to checking account
- Maintain electronic records of all transactions
- Manage all financial responsibilities for OCRA
Secretary (2-year term)
- Attend and take minutes at Executive Committee meetings (meetings usually every other month)
- Attend OCRA’s annual business meeting (normally at the workshop)
- Create EC Committee Agenda and business meeting Agenda
- Create and email EC minutes after EC meetings and submit approved minutes to webmaster for inclusion onto OCRA members only section on website
- Keep OCRA Contractor’s list current, members only. Have webmaster post President & Secretary’s name and email to public portion of website to assist facilities seeking CTR’s for contract work.
- Serve as Liaison between Executive Committee. Communication Committee and the Membership
President-Elect (3-year term; transitions to President position, then to Immediate Past President position on Executive Committee)
- Attend meetings of the Executive Committee (usually every other month)
- Attend OCRA’s annual business meeting (normally at the workshop)
- Perform DMA ceremony
- Facilitate OCRA committee sign-ups
- Serve as Liaison to the Audit Committee
- Act as backup to President when President is unavailable. Complete unexpired term of President if needed
- Preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee
- Preside over OCRA Fall Workshop General Meeting
- Appoint committee Chair positions
- Make sure the committee members roster is updated and posted on the Website
- Serve as ex-officio to all standing committees except Nominating Committee
- Serve as liaison to the By-Laws committee and Education Committee
- Contribute President’s Message to Newsletters
- Serve on OSCaR advisory board
- Represent OCRA at all professional functions
(Immediate Past President)
- Attend meetings of the Executive Committee (usually every other month)
- Attend OCRA’s annual business meeting (normally at the workshop)
- Serve as Liaison to the Nominating Committee
- Serve as mentor for President-Elect
Nominating Committee (1-year term)
- Seek nominees to hold office for the next year’s term
- Send emails and make phone calls (divided among committee members)
- Facilitate voting of nominees through Survey Monkey
- 1-3 hours/month for two to three months depending on timing of Fall Workshop (April-June/June-August)