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Presentations from Workshop 2023
- Reportable diagnoses and date of diagnosis, Leela Coleman - Asante (pdf)
- SSDIs: Pitfalls and obstacles, Shelley Lindsay - Providence (pdf)
- A peek behind the curtain: The central registry, Melania Tolan-Hudson - OSCaR (pdf)
- Cancer Surveillance: CiNA perspective, Recinda Sherman - NAACCR (pdf)
- Retrospectively Speaking, Shannon Ramos - OHSU (pdf)
- STORE Rules and Tumor Size, Shannon Ramos - OHSU (pdf)
- Edits 2023, Jim Hofferkamp - NAACCR (pdf)
- New for 2023, Jim Hofferkamp - NAACCR (pdf)
- Central Registry Edits, Melamnia Tolan-Hudson - OSCaR (pdf)