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Winter 2019 Newsletter

By January 18, 2019April 6th, 2021NewsLetters

Presidents Message

Happy New Year! I am honored to have the privilege of serving as the President of OCRA for 2019. Over the past few years, I have been fortunate to meet many of our members at the annual Fall Workshops. I have seen the passion and commitment that each member has for our profession. We all want to make a difference and strive to make the lives of others better through our work. I am very proud to be part of such a great organization.

Throughout this year I will be seeking your input on various aspects of this organization. We are only as strong as our members and your active participation is essential. Keep an eye out for surveys and requests for contributions to our newsletters. For the continued health of our organization, be prepared to submit nominations for next year’s leaders. I hope each of you will consider and be willing to run for elections and/or serve on one of our committees.

I am excited as we look forward to our future. We have many exciting opportunities and challenges ahead. I hope to continue the quality education and collaboration we enjoy through OCRA. I am excited to work with our education committee on another super Fall Workshop in October. As you all are aware, we live in a fast-paced and ever-changing environment. We must constantly strive for improvements, ways to make our organization more efficient and to better serve our membership. Our website is evidence of such improvements. This year, the executive committee team will participate in a one-year pilot program of Google Suite. If you attended the Fall Workshop, you have already seen one of the benefits of this when we were able to share workshop related documents with everyone from Google Drive. This year, we will expand our use of the Google Suite features and embark on a journey to create continuity during leadership transitions through collaboration and communication. We will strive to reduce expenses using free services and maintain our organization’s financial strength.

Thank you all for the monumental job you are doing. Thank you to all of you that have given and continue to give your time and energy to support OCRA. Please contact me or any member of the executive committee with suggestions. I look forward to hearing from each of you. I am blessed to have the opportunity to serve as President and truly appreciate your support.


Ron Lamie

2019 OCRA President

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe” -Anatole France